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  • How to Add, Edit and Remove YouTube Channel Managers & Owners

    How to Add, Edit and Remove YouTube Channel Managers & Owners

    Did you know that more than one person can manage a YouTube channel and that you can assign different permissions and roles depending on your needs? We show you how.

    Did you know that more than one person can manage a YouTube channel? And I'm going to show you exactly how to set those different roles up.
    But first, there's an important distinction to make here, there are two types of channels. Personal YouTube channels, and brand accounts. Let's start with the personal channels first.

    YouTube: Personal Channel Management

    1. From most YouTube screens, click on your profile image in the top right-hand corner, and go to the YouTube studio.
    2. From the new YouTube studio screen, you want to click on the settings button in the bottom left-hand corner.
    3. And from this pop-up, you should see a permissions tab to the left. This will show you who has access to your YouTube channel To invite a new manager, click on the invite button in the top right-hand corner and type out email addresses to invite them to manage your channel.
    Below is an access drop-down which gives you four options. These access levels pretty much explain themselves. So, do make sure you trust the person you are inviting to your channel to do what these permissions give them access to. And just to clarify, since it's not 100% obvious here, editor and above access means that these managers can upload videos to your YouTube channel.
    Once you are satisfied with your selection, click done, and the invitee should receive an email that they can accept within 30 days to become a manager of your YouTube channel.
    On the same permissions page, you can update the access rights a manager has, by clicking on their current role. From this drop-down, you can also remove them as a manager from your YouTube channel completely.

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